CPI (ML) Red Star Resolutely Condemns Trumpian Plan for Most Heinous Gaza Cleansing !

bimbonline बिम्ब अनलाइन
२०८१ माघ १४ १८:५३ बजे
Evaluating the 15 January Gaza truce superimposed on Palestinians on the eve of the ascendance of "neofascist, far-right and reactionary Trump", and as dictated by latter's political expediency and geopolitical strategies, the 17 January Statement of CPI (ML) Red Star had opined: "... since fascist neo-Zionism is the antithesis of a liberated Palestine, the Palestinians and all their Resistance Forces should have a cautious approach to the present truce and they have to take care not to fall into a plausible trap set by imperialist-Zionist axis" 
Now the international community has come to know about this Trumpian trap from the horse's mouth when Trump himself has put forward his most heinous plan to "clean out Gaza" by resettling the Palestinians from there in other Arab countries like Jordan and Egypt. It should be noted that the idea of a forcible relocation of the Gazans to neighbouring Arab countries is not a new one but one that has long been cherished by neo-Zionists and far-right elements of Netanyahu government, who have already opposed even the 15 January Ceasefire. For instance, Ben-Gvir Itamar, former national security minister representing Jewish Power party has welcomed Trump "for the initiative to transfer residents from Gaza to Jordan and Egypt". Some Zionists  are of the opinion that  Palestinians should emigrate to neighbouring countries to allow Jewish settlements to be re-established in Gaza.
Of course, the Palestinians and all concerned Arab nations have strongly denounced and outrightly rejected this proposal including its implicit agenda of undermining the unity of the Palestinian land, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. It is heartwarming also that the entire people of Palestine, their leaderships and the Palestine resistance forces have correctly identified this criminal, treacherous and fascist US-Zionist agenda such that if not resisted and defeated, this neo-Zionist plan will lead to a "repetition of the catastrophes (Nakba) of 1948 and 1967.”
Meanwhile, the much trumpeted,  eulogised and celebrated truce is used for camouflaging the ongoing crimes against Palestinians and diverting world people's attention from Zionist violations of Ceasefire. Reports on ingenious moves for the coming of hardline Zionist sections to Gaza are there, even as hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees are bound to stay in neighbouring countries. And many of them who were forced to flee to other countries during the latest horrific genocide in Gaza were not even granted the status of refugees. And Trump's "Gaza cleansing" plan comes as displaced people were delayed from returning to their homes in  Gaza after Netanyahu regime accused Hamas of breaching the terms of ceasefire deal.
Therefore, to be precise, as Trump, under the cover of truce, is pushing through his heinous threat of driving out the most devasted more than 2 million Palestinians of Gaza strip, liberation of the Palestine people is increasingly becoming well-nigh impossible in a system of Zionism and under the vicious Yankee-Zionist Axis. As is obvious, as long as US imperialist- Zionist axis has the final say in West Asia, liberation of Palestine people and establishment of a secular- democratic Palestine will remain as wishful thinking.
                                                                                                                          International Department  
                                                                                                                          CPI (ML) Red Star
२०८१ माघ १४ १८:५३ बजे
